What Is Wrong With This World?!?
I was talking on the phone with my sister yesterday when she told me something very disturbing. Due to the fact that I don't watch the news because it depresses me, I was unaware of what was happening in the USA. Apparently (from what I was told), a lady in the US had gotten into an accident about 10 years ago and was basicaly a vegetable, except that she showed some form of acknowledgement when her family came to visit her through facial expressions (so I guess she wasn't in a complete vegetative state). Anyways this lady was married and had children but has been in this state for approximately 10 years. I guess her husband got tired of having her around and so he asked to have her life terminated. Now he had moved on with his life, he had a new relationship with another woman and even had children with her. Of course he wanted his injured wife out of the picture! The womens family was fighting to keep her alive. She showed signs of mental activity by facial expressions and she wasn't on any resperatory system, the only thing she was on was a feeding tube, THAT IS ALL! Her family faught her husband all the way to Supreme Court where his wishes were granted. The great Supreme Court ordered for her feeding tube to be removed and she was sentenced to death through starvation. As if she hadn't suffered enough for the last ten years now she was left to starve to death. What I don't understand is how the court could grant her husband rights over the poor woman when he had started a new life after her accident. He wasn't fighting for her well being, he was fighting for his own, and the Supreme Court didn't see that. She layed in her bed starving for 14 days!! Can you imagine? What did she ever do wrong to deserve such a death. Murderers get better treatment. WHERE IS THE JUSTICE? What bugs me even more is that in this is modern day we should know better and be more civilized than to be so inhumane. I guess we haven't come that far from our barbaric ways.
P.S. One piece of advice: If you have a choice to give power of attorney to someone in case of emergencies (such as above), I beseech you to give the power to someone of your bloodline. No one will love you or want the outmost best for you other than your intimate family. As seen above a husband or even a friend can move on with their lives but your family (the blood that runs through your veins) will love you forever.
P.S. One piece of advice: If you have a choice to give power of attorney to someone in case of emergencies (such as above), I beseech you to give the power to someone of your bloodline. No one will love you or want the outmost best for you other than your intimate family. As seen above a husband or even a friend can move on with their lives but your family (the blood that runs through your veins) will love you forever.
At April 7, 2005 at 3:37 PM,
Unknown said…
Since we can pretty well do whatever we want with our blogs now (or at least after April 15) I think your argument is just fine being posted here.
What makes me even more sick about the whole Terri Schiavo case is what actually PUT her into this vegitative state to begin with. She actually collapsed in 1990 and suffered heart failure that quickly led to brain damage. The reason this happened at her young age? She got potassium deficiency from being bulimic (eating disorder) and this caused her heart failure.
What disgusts me the most is that a friend of Terri Schiavo - in a report I heard on the news - mentioned that Terri was always overweight, she lost a bit of weight at one point in her life (I believe in her college years - this may have been the start of her bulimia), met and then married Michael Schiavo. Because of her eating disorder, they actually couldn't have any children - I noticed that you mentioned she did have kids, you were misinformed;)
What is the most upsetting, to me, is that friends and family suggest that Michael Schiavo was always critical of Terri's weight and that she was constantly trying to keep it off for him as he made comments that he didn't want her to put on any weight.
The point of my comment here is that it is so extremely tragic that all of this that has happened with Terri is a result of an eating disorder and, most likely, a result of the impact that society has on an individual. I am constantly struggling through diets and exercise for what? Definitely not to make my boyfriend happy - he likes me for who I am and if I found out differently I would drop him.
Unfortunatly, for Terri, she pushed herself way too far. Whether a result of her own self-consciousness or her husband, she was fighting society when she took off that weight and all for what? I've seen the pictures of her and she certainly looks attractive, but I'm sure that she would still be attractive to many if she didn't decide to starve herself until her death.
My thoughts are with her family and friends and I hope that the World has learned some important lessons thanks to her.
At April 8, 2005 at 8:44 PM,
anthonyferreira said…
I think it is a difficult situation to takes sides on. Surely the husband seems to be following through with his Wife's wishes which should be respected. Though, the family seems to present a contrary point of view which puts the whole matter into doubt. Who's right? We may never know. The 'right' action depends on the wishes of the silent (and now deceased) Terry. As for this forum not being an acceptable place to discuss this, I disagree.
At June 23, 2005 at 8:59 PM,
Chrissy G said…
Sorry my info was not accurate, as I said before I was only repeating what I heard from my sister. It's like the game "broken telephone", after a story is passed on the end result is always different from the original
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