Chrissy G

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Good Luck

Exam time is coming up and I just wanted to wish everyone good luck on their exams and I hope you all get great marks!! Also, the holidays are here and I'd like to wish everyone Happy Holidays!! I hope that you all have some time to rest over the holidays and a lot to eat!!! Someone gave me a Hallmark card and the message inside was sweet and so I'd like to share it with you as a gift:
The key to happiness is having dreams-
The key to success is making them come true.
Wishing you the best of luck
and warmly hoping, too,
you'll find success and happiness
in everything you do.
Happy Holidays Guys!!!!!!!

Bad Poets

For homework in another English course the assigned reading was an essay by Randall Jarrell titled "Bad Poets". When I read the essay I immediately thought of this course and wished to share it with the class. The part I liked most is "it is as if the writers had sent you their ripped-out arms and legs, with 'This is a poem' scrawled on them in lipstick". This part of the essay points out how depressing some poetry is and usually when someone is in distress they write with whatever they can find and often in movies women write on mirrors with lipstick (this is to show you how corny and cliche some poetry is). Anyways, you read this essay and tell me what you think.

Bad Poets
by Randall Jarrell

Sometimes it is hard to criticize, one wants only to chronicle. The good and mediocre books come in from week to week, and I put them aside and read them and think of what to say; but the 'worthless' come in day after day, like the cries and truck sounds from the street, and there is nothing that anyone can think of that is good enough for them. In the bad type of the thin pamphlets, in hand-set lines on imported paper, people's hard lives and hopeless ambitions have expressed themselves more directly and heartbreakingly than they have ever been expressed in any work of art: it is as if the writers had sent you their ripped-out arms and legs, with 'This is a poem" scrawled on them in lipstick. After a while one is embarrassed not so much for them as for poetry, which is for these poor poets one more of the openings against which everyone in the end beats his brains out; and one finds it unbearable that poetry should be so hard to write-a game of Pin the Tail on the Donkey in which there is for most of the players no tail, no donkey, not even a booby prize. If there were only some mechanism (like Seurat's proposed system of painting, or the projected Universal Algebra that Godel believes Leibnitz to have perfected and mislaid) for reasonably and systematically converting into poetry what we see and feel and are! When one reads the verse of people who cannot write poems- people who sometimes have more intelligence, sensibility, and moral discrimination than most of the poets- it is hard not to regard the Muse as a sort of fairy godmother who says to the poet, after her colleagues have showered on him the most disconcerting and ambiguous gifts, 'Well, never mind. You're still the only one that can write poetry.'
It seems a detestable joke that the 'national poet of the Ukraine'- kept a private in the army for ten years, and forbidden by the Czar to read, to draw, or even to write a letter - should not have for his pain one decent poem. A poor Air Corps sergeant spends two and a half years on Attu and Kiska, and at the end of the time his verse about the war is indistinguishable from Browdwer's brother's parrot's. How cruel that a cardinal- for one of these books is a cardinal's- should write verses worse than his youngest choir-boy's! But in this universe of bad poetry everyone is compelled by the decrees of an unarguable Necessity to murder his mother and marry his father, to turn somersaults widdershins around his own funeral, to do everything that his worst and most imaginative enemy could wish. It would be a hard heart and a dull head that could condemn, except with a sort of sacred awe, such poets for anything that they have done- or rather, for anything that has been done to them: for they have never made anything, they have suffered their poetry as helplessly as they have anything else; so that it is neither the imitation of life nor a slice of life but life itself- beyond good, beyond evil, and certainly beyond reviewing.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

I'm Sorry---A true short story-----By Christina Grimaldi

Who am I to write about someone I hardly knew? I don't even understand why his death affected me so much. I guess it's because he is the first person that, I knew around my age, to die. He was an aquantance through my exboyfriend that I had when I was fifteen. He was the kind of guy you didn't want your boyfriend to hang out with. He was what you would call "the bad apple". He had friends but always looked so lonely. We really didn't start talking one-on-one until he became a regular at the bar I waitress at.His eyes were always so sad. It wasn't 'till recently that I found out that he had just broken up with his girlfriend. I don't know why he wore those puppy eyes. He always seemed really content with the small talk that he'd have with the waitresses, which made him appear more lonely than he already did. He was a popular guy, everyone knew him, but like I said he was lonely. I wonder what was going through his head when he lost control of his bike. Riding at 190 km\h popping wheelies! Damn that was dumb. I wonder what went through his mind, did he know he was going to die? It was probably that feeling of helplessness that we all feel when something happens that we have no control over. He must have known he was going to die. I don't thin that his life flashed before his eyes. I think for the few seconds it took for him to die, all he thought was "Oh fuck". He must have just closed his eyes and went with the tumble. When he closed his eyes, he closed them in defeat and acceptance. Defeat because for those brief moments he knew that there was nothing he could do to stop what was happening to him, and acceptance because at that point there is nothing to do but accept your fate. I can't imagine what that would feel like, to know that you totally screwed up. I'm not sure but I heard that he died almost instantly upon impact. I pray that he felt no pain.

Rest In Peace My Friend.

I feel kind of guilty, first because I'm writing this about you even though I don't think it is my place. Secondly because when me and my mother were stuck on the 401 west due to the 400 being blocked off, I was pissed because we were going to be late for our movie. My mother said "Oh, I hope nobody got into an accident and died", and because I am selfish or just absent minded I thought to myself: "There better be if I'm stuck in this kind of traffic!". I thought it was construction because of the big signs directing traffic away from the 400. But as we got closer I saw that there were about ten cop cars blocking the on ramp and hen I knew something bad had happened. I want you to know that at that point I said a prayer and touched my rosary that hangs from my rear-view mirror and I asked God for everything to be okay. I didn't know it was you, but I had a real bad feeling. I want to say sorry for thinking such an ignorant thought. I didn't mean it because I didn't know. My guilt for thinking that stupid comment has eaten away at me since March 28. And I am sorry. Sorry for my stupidity, but most of all... Sorry for yours.

Friday, November 05, 2004

It's Me!!!! Posted by Hello

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

William Shakespeare

He is one of the most celebrated poets. I have always enjoyed reading his work in school. Just recently I stumbled on one of his poems and I was very impressed. To me this poem does not literally mean he wishes to suck what the bees suck, I believe William Shakespeare is imagining himself as a bee and how it's life would be like. He is not glorifying the bees life, in fact after reading this poem I would never want to be a bee!! Who would want to fly with bats or lie in a cowslip bell? Not me. After summer is fall, and there are no blossoms in fall so how could the bee live merrily under blossoms? This poem makes you think about what Shakespeare is trying to get at.

Where the Bee Sucks, There Suck I
by William Shakespeare

Where the bee sucks, there suck I:
In a cowslip's bell I lie;
There I couch when owls do cry.
On the bat's back I do fly
After summer merrily.
Merrily, merrily shall I live now
Under the blossom that hangs on the bough.

Rhythm And Rhyme

It has been suggested tome to try and write in meter. In this poem I have attempted Trimeter, so here it goes!!

Overwhelmed By Christina Grimaldi

When you point one finger
Three point back at you

I tried my best to help
You could have tried too

The burden of 100 men
Walk with me in my shoes

An angel? Indeed I am
Broken wings? I have 2