Chrissy G

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

No One Said So!!

Hello, I just wanted to clarify some things. Poetry does not always have to follow a metrical pattern. It could just the poet expressing what they think, without having to count every beat and every line! Since when has poetry become so structured, that a person has to be careful of the length of lines or the usage of words. Also, who defines good poetry? I definitely do not!! Nor does anyone else have that right!!! I believe that the beauty of poetry is that one can do anything with it and feel good about it, but when your work is being dissected and criticized it really takes away from the joy poetry gives to the poet. Why can't we just enjoy and appreciate everyone's differences when creating poetry?

Planting Seeds On Stone By Christina Grimaldi

I think of you and care for you but it means nothing
Songs of love are empty they are only what you sing

Words are torment, actions heaven and I am so alone
You did warn me, said I was planting seeds on stone

Close friends I could never be, at least not with you
Feelings I can not hold back, they must flow through

I ask a lot of you! Your feelings must be made of bone
Or maybe it's just me again, planting seeds on stone

They say patience is a virtue of which I have plenty
Why be patient for you when your heart is so empty?

Seems your heart is hollow and is one you can not loan
So why was I trying so hard to plant seeds on stone?

I have pleaded and waited for you, for much too long
The time has come to rescue myself and move on

Then maybe you will realize it is you which is alone
Hope one day you feel what it's like to plant seeds on stone

SHOPPING By Christina Grimaldi

Charge it, charge it, I don't care
Love that skirt, what top to wear

Please pack those shoes back in their box
What's that fur... mink, rabbit or fox?

Peach, pink, purple, what color will it be?
So hard to choose what looks best on me

Earrings, purses, accessories and more
So many bags, barely fit through the door

Spent so much money and now I'm broke
Treated my visa as if it were a joke

I'll bring back those pants, they're too tight
Nope, my blouse goes with them just right

Ok, the stilletto's go back and that's that!
But without them my legs look too fat

Ok, the tube top is one size too small
But it was the last one in the mall

It seems I'm bringing back nothing at all
I'll just sit here and wait 'till the creditors call!!!

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

I MUST FORGET YOU By Christina Grimaldi

Fill my ears with tar so I can not hear you
Gauge my eyes out so I can not see you
Rip out my tongue so I will no longer cry out your name

Sunday, October 03, 2004


Hello once again!! Creating late night blogs has become a Sunday night ritual!!!

A question that I addressed to a couple of my friends was why do some people love poetry and others do not? Some people say that poetry wasn't taught to them properly while others say that it is too girly. My response to those answers are: (1) Poetry has been introduced to us at the beginning of our childhood. All our infant nursery rhymes and lullabies are a form of poetry. Perhaps it is not that they were not taught poetry properly but that they don't understand what poetry is and therefore shun what is unknown for them. We all grew up loving our nursery rhymes so therefore we have all liked some poetry at some point in our lives. (2) For the answer that poetry is too girly I have only one response, many great poets are male. Not all poetry is for the women!!!